Martin Caron
President of the Board of Directors
Founded in 2013, RC-OPMM of Adja-Ouèrè consists of 14 member groups with a total of 440 individual members. The groups are mainly involved in maize and cassava production, as well as processing cassava into gari, lafou, chips, and tapioca. Some also engage in palm oil and vegetable farming.
FUPRO offers services for marketing agricultural products, as well as seed production and sales. It operates in all 77 communes of Benin and includes 15 member organizations.
FéNaFAB unites women and women's organizations from all agricultural sectors in Benin.
PNOPPA advocates with the Beninese government on behalf of farmers in Benin.
Created in 2006, the UCP of Djidja consists of eight member cooperatives organized around value chain activities such as maize, cassava, cotton, and soybean production and processing, as well as livestock farming. It provides input supply and collective marketing services and specifically supports women's groups involved in processing maize, cassava, and soybeans.
UCoFAT was established after a visit to Quebec by a delegate from UGAM, who participated in a training on women’s leadership. This Union, affiliated with UGAM, consists of 45 groups of women farmers and processors.
Since 2007, UGAM has provided six essential services, including financing, the supply of certified fertilizers and seeds, collective marketing, and agro-environmental advice. UGAM has 3,247 members, including 1,887 women, in the Savalou-Bantè region.
A cooperative organization of 240 members, primarily active in the coffee, citrus, and fruit sectors.
CEPROSI works to improve access to health services and develop family garden projects in urban areas.
UNEC produces, processes, and markets high-quality spices, essential oils, and condiments.
USCCPA/BM has more than 1,500 members, 45% of whom are women.
Founded in July 2000, ROPPA brings together organizations from West African countries to promote effective and sustainable family farming.
CPF was established in 2002 after a peasant congress. It is a platform of 15 umbrella organizations that enables small-scale farmers to work peacefully and earn a decent living.
PROPAC groups national platforms of small-scale farmers from the ten member countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)/Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). Its mission is to harmonize the strategies and actions of national farmers' organizations in Central Africa.
CNOP-CAM consists of 5,172 member farmers' organizations, including 66 federations, 22 associations, 63 cooperatives, 629 unions of common interest groups (GIC), and 4,392 GICs.
Founded in 2004, CNOP-G unites the forces of 9 federations and 46 unions of producers, spread across the entire territory of Guinea-Conakry, representing 18,000 groups and approximately 480,000 members.
The FAFD was founded in 2014 and covers four administrative regions in Middle Guinea: Mamou, Boké, Kindia, and Labé. It consists of 21 unions, 277 groups, and 6,268 members. Its main sectors are fruit trees, coffee, and forestry.
The FPFD, created in 1992, is a farmers' organization operating in the eight prefectures and two regions (Mamou and Labé) of Fouta Djalon in the Republic of Guinea. Its overall objective is to increase the income of producers through the development of three production sectors: potatoes, onions, and tomatoes.
Project :
UCOCAB revitalizes coffee production by developing the coffee value chain in Haiti's central plateau. It consists of 8 cooperatives with 1,800 members, 48% of whom are women.
FOPADES consists of 11 groups in the Labrousse region and contributes to food security through community kitchens and school canteens.
CEDI-VE has about 100 members and focuses on development activities in education, health, agriculture, and women's issues.
The purpose of the FGPL is to bring together as many peasant groups as possible into a democratic structure. This allows them to access adequate services, serve as the voice of farmers in the region, and mobilize members for development actions.
FODES-5's mission is to promote economic, social, and cultural development in its area of intervention by helping local populations develop economic strategies and basic social services aimed at improving their quality of life. The population in the intervention zone is estimated at around 48,000 people.
Based in Rivière Froide, EPPMPH's mission is to support farmers in improving their living conditions through agroecology training and education in health and social care.
KOFAKAD is an organization of 140 female members. This group aims to improve the living conditions of women and children through agricultural production, agro-food processing, and training.
A cooperative of 3,141 members offering services such as certified organic rice seed production, bulk purchasing and distribution of organic inputs, and collective marketing.
A women’s cassava processing cooperative that facilitates access to credit and processing equipment, while collectively marketing processed products.
A regional organization with 8,000 members that provides training, member services, and engages in advocacy activities.
The JCGA is a producer organization involved in the coffee value chain with strong export potential. It promotes and represents the interests of small coffee producers who own less than two hectares of land. The JCGA manages functions that support crop production, agro-food processing, and the marketing of coffee producers through technical advice, promotion, and price negotiation.
Present throughout the country, this association offers its members various services such as market information, advisory services, capacity building, credit access, and input supply.
A cooperative with nearly 1,000 members active in the certified coffee export sector.
Founded in 1998, this organization leads the network of solidarity economy initiative groups in Peru.
COPACO brings together women and men across the country who work in agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, hunting, and crafts. It plays a role in advocacy, defense, and coordination to promote family farming.
COPALO brings together 10 associations, including three women's associations. The cooperative helps improve agricultural production and the income of its 1,110 members. It also aims to foster a savings culture within the rural population.
Created in 2018, the RFPK has 120 members, including 35 young people. Its objectives are to fight poverty and social injustices in the village, develop a solidarity fund, provide literacy training for women, inform women of their fundamental rights, and establish a collective marketing system.
The CNCR is a farmer movement that brings together the largest number of agricultural producers in Senegal, encouraging the state to discuss issues related to agriculture.
ASPRODEB was born from the mutual commitment of the Senegalese government, professional agricultural organizations, and local elected officials. This association provides professional agricultural organizations with services to strengthen technical and organizational capacities, financial management, and advisory support.
FONGS aims to create a strong associative movement that restores the status and identity of rural women and men through empowerment and autonomy in order to address the challenges facing the rural world.
FEGPAB contributes to sustainable and endogenous development through well drilling, the establishment of cereal warehouses, and reforestation activities. It has 1,720 members, 65% of whom are women.
Founded in 1978 and officially recognized in 1993 by the Ministry of the Interior of Senegal, URAPD is a non-profit association in the Bambey department. It comprises 36 village groups with 1,697 members, 65% of whom are women.
The CCPA consists of 48 groups and 8,000 members in the Kaolack region. Its activities primarily focus on seed production, marketing, and peanut processing.
The UGPM has 5,000 members, 65% of whom are women. The Union has set goals in environmental management and restoration, the development of income-generating activities, combating rural exodus, and enhancing peasant identity.
A national, independent, democratic, and unionized development and service organization that represents, defends, and protects the interests and rights of farmers and fishers, both men and women.
A regional professional agricultural organization that brings together and defends the interests of farmers in Tunisia, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt.
The philanthropic branch of UPA Développement international (UPA DI), Manger local fait grandir le monde, raises funds that are invested in innovative approaches to ensure food autonomy for communities, empower women socioeconomically, and contribute to environmental protection and regeneration.
On behalf of Manger local fait grandir le monde, we thank all donors. Your support is invaluable!
President of the Board of Directors
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Board Member
Secretary General
Project Officer
Project Officer
Agroeconomist, Organizational Development
Executive Assistant
Director, Programs, Training, and Innovation
RAI Coordinator
Assistant Accountant
Program Manager, Gender Equality, Inclusion, and Diversity Specialist
Chief Financial Officer
Project Officer
Program Manager, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Specialist
Program Manager
Program Manager, Climate Change Specialist
Assistant Accountant
Accounting Technician
Program Manager
Program Manager, Climate Change Specialist
Project Officer
Program Manager, Philanthropic Development
Program Manager, Climate Change Specialist
Director of Business Development
Program Manager, Gender Equality, Inclusion, and Diversity Specialist
Administrative Technician
Project Officer
Communications and Marketing Officer
Administrative Technician